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The Unwind Yoga Studio Etiquette

If it is your first time at the studio, or even your first time doing yoga, and if you are like I was at my first class, you may feel a little intimidated, or (let's be frank) have no clue what is right and wrong in terms of yoga etiquette. One way to deal with those worries, is to get familiar with some general practices for yoga studios and yoga practice. Some will be common sense, others may be new to you - but knowing them will allow you to stop worrying about doing something wrong, and getting the full benefit of your time at the studio. Plus, you will look like you have been doing yoga forever!

For more answers to frequently asked questions, check this page.

We have an open door policy - no question is a bad question. If you are unsure about anything, drop us an email at

  • I am not flexible, can I do yoga?
    You do not need to be flexible when you start yoga. All you need is an open mind, and a wish to bring a little calm to your life. In time, you will see your flexibility and strength increase. You may even feel a (spiritual) connection with yourself, and the world around you and many of our students find this wonderfully enriching. ​ For first timers we recommend one of our beginner friendly classes (we can point those out to you). Your teacher will show you the foundations of good practice, which can help you avoid bad yoga habits and injuries in the future. You will learn basis yoga poses, and how to do them right. For instance, a "simple" mountain pose done correctly will help you feel safer, more balanced in other postures and you will find it easier to get into standing asanas like tree pose. All our teachers have been trained in anatomy and physiology - it is very important to understand that not every body is the same and that sometimes you find a posture hard, because your physical body is shaped in a certain way, not because you are unfit, or not talented at yoga. One of our main goals is for you to learn good basics, advance at your pace - and feel comfortable during practice. There is no need for pain, in fact, we do not want you to be in pain ever. This way you will enjoy your journey from day one, and every day from then on. So, the only person in the class that needs to be flexible is the teacher. And only in the sense that they are flexible enough to make every class work for you and your body during that class.
  • What is yoga?
    Yoga is a system of physical, mental and spiritual practices that originated in India thousands of years ago. Its purpose is to help each one of us achieve our highest potential and to foster enduring health and wellbeing. With yoga, we can extend our healthy, productive years and improve the quality of our lives. At Unwind Yoga Studio we have a strong focus on practicing breathing and posture to help the mind calm, the body align, increase flexibility, strengthen muscles and connective tissue, resulting in finding comfort in both. Each posture and practice is approached as a journey of discovery, of the body, the mind, the self. It can be important to: Attend yoga classes regularly to learn postures and correct sequencing, as well as breathing. Be patient, practice with concentration and awareness (a moving meditation). Listen to your body, don't force anything and accept that some days are better than others. Breathe, laugh, enjoy!
  • Why should I do yoga?
    People start yoga for many different reasons, for a physical workout, stress relief or to ease pain. Yoga is a total mind-body technique and has something to offer to all of us. Here at Unwind Yoga Studio we focus on holistically increasing your physical and mental health, and your happiness and wellbeing. Our goal is to share what all of our teachers are aware of, that through synchronising your breath, and balancing your body and mind you can experience higher levels of wellbeing and through regular practice lasting transformation is truly possible.
  • I have a previous injury / health condition, can I do yoga?
    Injury recovery has proven to be a fundamental benefit of yoga practice. Yoga is becoming another key tool for those who are looking to maintain their fitness in a way that will complement their injury prevention or recovery plan. In general terms, yoga really is for every-BODY, and doctors around the world recommend yoga to those recovering from certain injuries, such as broken limbs or strains, and for those suffering with stress and depression. You may not be able to do a strong flow class as you are recovering, but you may be able to do a restorative class and really benefit from it. We will ask you to fill in a health screening form before you start practicing with us and your teachers will be at hand to advise before your class. If in doubt, please come and speak to us. We will always offer adjustments during a practice to make sure you are comfortable, but it is always best to be safe, and ask if in doubt. In the case of any serious health problems, please consult your doctor before starting any physical exercise. This includes you not having been physically active for a long time.
  • What should I wear to yoga?
    Something comfortable. Yoga is practiced in bare feet, and the studio is a shoe free zone. You can bring a warmer layer for savasana (resting period at the end). Shorts are okay, too, just make sure they fit comfortably. More information can be found in our Yoga Etiquette.
  • How do I prepare for practice?
    It is best to not eat about an hour before a yoga class - all those twists and inversions could cause an issue :) Hydration before and after a class is important and will help with your feeling of wellbeing. Please avoid heavy fragrances, deodorants etc. as they can impact on the practice of others. Be prepared to leave your mobile device switched off to allow for peaceful practice. Currently we are also asking you to bring your own mats. We also provide all props needed for class, and you can buy your own in the Unwind shop. More information on this topic also can be found in our Yoga Etiquette.
  • How often should I do yoga?
    Yoga is a very personal practice, so there is no right or wrong answer to this question. From experience and speaking to many, many yogis and yoginis, a regular practice several times a week has the greatest benefit on your physical body and your mental and emotional health. I personally find a mix of Hatha and Yin ideal for me - I work on strengthening my body and increasing flexibility with Hatha, I work on the fascia and deeper layers of connective tissues as well as my body's meridians during Yin, and I get an opportunity to activate the parasympathetic nervous system for deep mental relaxation with both. You can try these styles, and find your own combination.
  • First time at Unwind Yoga Studio / How to book a class
    Before you can take a class with Unwind, you must register, buy a class pass, or membership and pre-book. As the studio accommodates a limited number of students, there is a possibility of spaces being booked up, so pre-booking is essential to avoid disappointment. Before booking, you will need to register with us through our booking system. This will only take a couple of minutes. After that you can purchase class passes, memberships or our intro offer for new students. Contact us with any questions. We look forward to seeing you at the studio!
  • What if I am running late?
    We will lock the studio 5 minutes after the scheduled start of class to allow for a peaceful practice and won't be able to let you in after that time. We ask you to arrive 5-10 minutes before the start of class to settle in. See also: Yoga Etiquette.
  • Do I have to buy a membership?
    No! There is no need to become a member to come to our classes. However, as our studio space is very limited, members take priority spaces on the waiting list for instance. A membership is the most cost effective way to do yoga with us, and the best way for you to show commitment to yourself and your self-care. We find that our students on memberships show up more far more regularly and more often to class, and benefit from this physically and mentally.
  • CC: Community Classes - What are they?
    Community Classes allow access to a less expensive yoga experience with a fully qualified trainee teacher. All our teachers, including the newly qualified, trainee teachers, hold a minimum of a 200-hour yoga teaching qualification, the standard in the industry. Most our teachers have 800+-hours of training and 1000s of hours of teaching. They also all hold a first aid certificate, and are fully insured.
  • Refunds, cancellations and booking policies
    Unfortunately as most businesses, we have to have a policy for refunds and cancellations in place. This is not to be mean, but to be fair to those students that always do the right thing. We know that life happens, it happens to us, too - so please speak to us if you are at all concerned about this policy: Most classes require 4 hours notice to cancel, for morning sessions this will be 12 hours (check class details or ask us anytime). Missed classes without the appropriate notice will be charged as if attended, and you may be charged a few for frequent no shows. Private classes require a minimum of 48 hours notice. 14 days notice is required for all event cancellations to be eligible for a refund, no refunds are given for less than 14 days notice. Cancellations cannot be accepted via phone or email (as we may not always get them in time), they have to be made online. If a student repeatedly no-shows or cancels late, their membership may be reviewed and cancelled. Please see our detailed and up-to-date Refund, Cancellation & Booking Policies for detailed information on our policies.
  • Can I purchase a gift card?
    Yes, you can purchase gift cards - have a look here: Purchase Unwind Yoga Studio Gift Cards.
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